
The corporation name changed from the Washington CH Union Stock Yards Company (that facility sold in 1969) to the Union Stock Yards Co Inc. Stockholders at the time of purchase were John Barnes,William Mace,Robert Mace,N B Fannin,Ralph Stitt and John O'Conner.

The Union Stock Yards Co,Inc property was an original part of the Samuel P and Elizabeth Scott land. The Scott building is still standing and is used by the Hillsboro High School,located west of our Stock Yards.

This facility was purchased in 1958 from the Hillsboro Livestock Co.,president Walter West and Secy Treas Dwight E. Teegardin.

The first employees were Ernest(Gene)Britton,Winfield Young,Russell Leininger,Leonard Shaw,Hollis Dyke,James Havens,Donald Hollar,Tye Davis and Marvin Carter. Office employees Phyliss Frazer,Barbara Newman and Ann Marvin.

In May of 1969 William R. Butler,from Belmont County moved to Hillsboro and became general manager and stockholder,along with William Mace,Frank Helsel,Jerry Nessell and Dr. Ned D.Abbott. The company is now owned 100% by William R. Butler.